Home Insights Managing the retirement income challenge: A global perspective

Managing the retirement income challenge: A global perspective

GBST insights, Whitepapers 10/09/2024

With a particular focus on Australia and the UK, the whitepaper entitled, 'Managing the retirement income challenge: A global perspective', explores how current superannuation and pension systems address existing and future retirement needs.

It looks at what more can be done to improve retirement outcomes, including the role of government, providers, advisers, individuals, and technology.

The whitepaper draws on third party research and the views of several industry experts. A recurring theme is the lack of ‘retirement literacy’ in both the UK and Australia.

While many consumers are adept at managing their day-to-day finances, they often feel ill-equipped to make appropriate choices to manage their retirement funds and generate a comfortable income that will last throughout later life.


Download the whitepaper

Posted in: Advice solutions, Wealth Management Administration

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