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GBST launches UK digital capability


5 October 2017

GBST, provider of wealth administration software through its GBST Composer® platform, has launched a digital capability to the UK market.

Working closely with GBST’s award-winning Emu design agency based in Australia, the new UK team will provide a range of digital services including UX consultancy, web design, financial tools and mobile apps.

Emu was acquired by GBST in 2008 to offer clients specialist web development and interactive design services to complement GBST’s financial services technology solutions. It provides solutions and services to a number of Australian financial services clients including two of the country’s largest banking groups, NAB and ANZ, and leading financial planning services like StatePlus and an innovative automated investment solution “Earnie” targeted at millennials. Outside of financial services and tools, the agency provides ecommerce and web design platforms for retailers including sports and leisure chains Rebel and Amart Sports and car accessories giant Supercheap Auto.

David Simpson, Head of Europe, Middle East and Africa at GBST,said: “UK financial services companies are increasingly looking at ways to improve the user experience across all systems and devices to help drive efficiencies in the back-office and improve customer engagement. We’re also finding that more clients and prospects are calling for an integrated front and back-office experience which eliminates the need for two separate solutions and provides time and cost savings as well as reducing ongoing maintenance. From our experience, 70% of costs sit with the integration into the back-end platform and we can now take this away for clients without compromising on their digital journeys.

“We have a wealth of experience in delivering integrated design services alongside our software through Emu in Australia and with our first UK projects now underway, it was a logical step to set up a permanent team to leverage this capability on behalf of clients here. Providing the skills inhouse will help our clients improve their customer journeys and deliver a more engaging web experience to drive increased adoption. We have invested in this dedicated local UK capability, which will work in tandem with the Australian team, forming a natural extension of the skills and experience that has been honed over many years.”

For further information on Emu visit https://www.emudesign.com.au

For further information

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Jenette Greenwood, PR Director
+44 (0) 7710 392303

About GBST www.gbst.com
GBST (ASX: GBT), provides global technology services to the financial services industry, addressing our clients’ constant needs for innovation, competitiveness and responsive IT that truly enables business. Listed on the Australian Securities Exchange, GBST has offices throughout Australia, London, Hong Kong and New York as well as operations in Paris and Singapore.

About GBST Composer®
GBST Composer® is a full service global software platform for Platforms, Wraps, Unit Trusts, ISAs, OEICs, SIPPs, and Pensions. Designed as a single, client centric application, Composer® is a complete, intuitive and flexible solution. Its architecture meets the demanding requirements of platform providers and fund managers by providing business rule driven functionality to support legislative change, flexible administration procedures and innovative product design.

Posted in: GBST Digital, Wealth Management Administration

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